Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MerCurios Fashion Clique Giveaway

Last days to enter to WIN this Quartz Crystal Double a.k.a. 2 Finger Ring by MerCurios.  Entering is as easy as clicking the "Like" button on Facebook.  In fact, that's all you need to do!

Head on over to the Fashion Clique Facebook page here and click the "Like" button.  Once you have "liked" their page & suggested it to a few friends - say so on Fashion Cliques wall.  

That's it! You are now entered to WIN this fabulous ring.  ...did I mention it was included in the September issue of Cleo Magazine? And it's open to ALL US and International peeps!  Good Luck!

What do you think of this giveaway? Is there something you would like to see more of?  With whom should we partner next? Suggestions?  Let me know...I'm listening!

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